1 / Fees (please also refer to PAYMENT POLICY)
Primrose Hill reserves the right to refuse to allow a child to attend Primrose Hill while fees remain unpaid.
Primrose Hill reserves the right to fix the monthly fee for at any time up to the last day of the preceding month. Every effort will, however, be made to give not less than one month's notice of alterations to the fees.
2 / Withdrawal and Notice
Any parent accepting an offer of a place at Primrose Hill will be charged a two months deposit and a Registration Fee. The deposit will be returned in full without interest when your child leaves Primrose Hill, less any balance owing to Primrose Hill. Parents who fail to take up their child's place will lose their full deposit.
Primrose Hill requires no less than a two month notice in writing via email between 1 & 7th, received by the Management before a child is withdrawn from Primrose Hill. Notice of withdrawal must not be given within the initial 4 months of enrolment. Failing such notice the full fees for the two months following withdrawal will be charged and the deposit shall not be refunded.
Parents are not allowed to change the full-time session to part-time session during your holiday period whilst receiving the 10% holiday discount fee.
Primrose Hill may in its absolute discretion remove a child from Primrose Hill whose attendance or behaviour is unsatisfactory. In such circumstances, the parent shall not be entitled to any refund of the fees due or already paid. Nor shall any refund be due for absence due to illness.
Primrose Hill reserves the right to remove a student from Primrose Hill if parents knowingly fail to disclose important information about their child’s medical & needs. Such information should be advised in writing before a child joins Primrose Hill.
3 / Attendance, Dress and Behaviour
The parent undertakes to ensure that the child attends the setting regularly throughout the year.
The parent undertakes to ensure that the child conforms to such rules of appearance, dress and behaviour as shall be issued by Primrose Hill from time to time.
4 / Medical
During a child’s time in Primrose Hill, Primrose Hill's Medical Officer shall have unlimited right to give the child's parents or guardian, the Principal or other senior members of the educating team such information as she/he thinks necessary in the child’s or Primrose Hill's interests.
If a student requires special medical attention while at Primrose Hill, every effort will be made to obtain the prior consent of the parents or guardian. However, should this be impossible, Primrose Hill will act "in loco parentis" should consent be required for urgent/imminent treatment (including anaesthetic or operation) recommended by a doctor.
5 / Data Protection
Parents/guardians accept a place at Primrose Hill for their son or daughter in the knowledge that data about students and their parents/guardians will be collected periodically and stored and processed to allow for the efficient operation of Primrose Hill.
Parents/guardians accepting a place at Primrose Hill consents to Primrose Hill’s use of their child’s photograph, and other information relating to their achievements, for promotional purposes. Such information may be published in Primrose Hill literature, on Primrose Hill website or through other media. If you do not wish to consent to this, please state in registration form.
1 / Fees
First-time Registration: Two month fee + Two month deposit + Registration fee.
The Monthly Fee: is payable via online banking, cash, cheque, credit card. The payment due date is by the 1st of each month. The monthly fee must be paid irrespective of your child's absence due to being unwell, illnesses, personal/family issues, public holidays, an act of nature (not more than 5 working days) or force closure due to fire or water damage (not more than 5 working days) as required under the government health & safety measures.
Registration Fee: RM300/0 non-refundable.
After/Late hours Fee: RM100//per hour and/or after 10 mins of your scheduled hours.
Late Penalty Charge: RM100/0 is incurred after the payment due date. If unpaid, the penalty fee shall be deducted from the deposit.
Medical Treatment Fee: Following our Personal Injury Insurance Policy, the treatment of an Accident or Incident taken place on our premise unless opted out. Any followup medical appointments must be at parents' own costs.
Extra-Curricular Fees: To be added to the monthly fee. The fee must be paid in advance irrespective of child's absence, illness or personal/family issues. A month written notice must be given for any cancellation or changes in schedule. If it is Primrose Hill/the Professional Instructor who cancels/amends these sessions, refunds shall be allowed.
Re-registration : One monthly fee for the returning child. A returning child to Primrose for a period between 1 to 4 months shall incur a one-month re-registration fee except if the child pays the holiday fee on the 1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th months. Fee Inclusive: Meals, Resources, Materials, Equipment, Stationery & Toiletries.
Additional fees: Forest Trip, Field Trips, Swimming, World Tae Kwon Do Federation Annual Membership, Learning Journals, Workbooks, Music Therapy, Transport & Uniforms.
Fee Increment: Every two(2) years in the month of September. We shall forward a month notice in writing informing the increment.
2 / Discounts
Holiday fee: 10% discount towards the monthly fee shall only be authorised to a holiday break of 4 weeks to 4 months on a full time registration based on month to month basis only. 5% discount towards the monthly fee shall only be authorised to a holiday break of 4 weeks to 4 months on a part-time registration based on month to month basis only. Only ONE Discount is applicable. Selected Corporate Discount %: Only eligible to Preschool Students under Full-Time Registration provided no other discount is applied.
Sibling %: Applicable to full-time registration and one sibling only. The 10% discount is deducted towards the lowest fee provided no other discount is applied.
3 / Procedure
Starting Date: Starting date from 1st to 15th of the month shall pay the whole month fee and after the 15th shall pay the prorated fee.
Deposit: Two month fee. If the session is changed from part-time to full-time, the additional deposit is required to top up the difference.
Changing Session: You may change your part/full-time session by giving notice at the beginning 1st of the month. If changes are made after the 1st of the month, you are liable to pay the regular fee indicated. You are NOT allowed to change the full-time session to part-time session during your holiday period while receiving the holiday discount % fee.
One-month Trial: Trial/Summer Camp Fee will be applied. Valid for 30 days, non refundable. Please note that once your child has attended, the non-regular fee is non-refundable. One Month Trial cannot be carried forward to the next month, after which Full Registration will be required.
Deposit is refundable provided written notice provided via email is given two months prior to the date of withdrawal between the 1st-7th of the month. Notice given after the 7th is treated as the coming month notice. Full fee must be paid while serving the notice. No outstanding fee must be shown in your account. The same policy is applicable to those incurring Sibling Discount%. Full-time Registration: Includes the extra-curricular of Ballet, Taekwondo and
Part-time Registration: Does not include the extracurricular of Ballet, Taekwondo and Football.